About us

About us
Photo by Diego van Sommeren / Unsplash

Welcome to Maghrebia Research & Insights. We want to be your reference site for exploring the Maghreb, will you join us?

Iberian vision

Located north of the Straits of Gibraltar, but with in-depth knowledge of the Maghreb, we want to take advantage of the strategic and privileged position of the Iberian Peninsula and the historical and fraternal links with the Maghreb region. At Maghrebia, we believe that Iberia's traditional links with North Africa are a valuable asset and that, as direct neighbours, we are in a different position from that offered by the most common anglophone or francophone analyses. However, despite this proximity, there is still a deep mutual ignorance between the societies of the two shores, which is an obstacle to shared prosperity and can only be overcome by a mutual study of socio-political realities.

A holistic approach

At Maghrebia, we base our analyses on rigorous information from reliable sources. We rely on news provided by media agencies, independent media and freelance reporters, but also on official documents, studies by renowned national and international think tanks and the opinions of the protagonists. On the basis of these sources, we search for and highlight the essential details and keys to explain the geopolitical reality, projecting our multidisciplinary background (legal, tech, politics). 

Neutral and independent analysis based on data

We will always provide objective, impartial, dispassionate, unbiased, neutral and strictly decision-oriented analysis. Our role is not to create opinions or support a political position. As a result, our conclusions and recommendations may be provocative, as they may sometimes differ from the official position or mainstream media.

Halfway between journalism, think tank and intelligence

Our aim is not only to answer the 5Ws of journalism (what, who, how, when and where), but we go deeper to clarify the two other fundamental Ws: why and what will happen. Although we do not have a crystal ball, we will always include a foresight exercise based on our expertise and available information, as well as recommendations for the various public or private actors involved.  


We produce three types of document (brief, insight or report), depending on the length and depth of the causal and prospective analysis. In all cases, the aim is to overcome ignorance and reduce uncertainty in order to improve stakeholder decision-making. We seek to counter disinformation and noise in a calm and objective manner, with analysis based on reliable information. This is why we go beyond a mere geopolitical risk analysis: our ultimate goal is to observe the Maghreb and present it as an area of challenges and opportunities.

We will soon be launching an ad hoc and tailor-made advisory service. In the meantime, subscribe to receive our updates or follow us on X!